
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Lives of the Saints, by Alban Butler (12 Vols.) from Logos Bible Software contains the unabridged text of Alban Butler’s classic work, The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints. Originally published between 1756 and 1759, Butler’s magnum opus is an unparalleled English source for the study of the Christian saints. Often appearing on best-seller lists alongside the Bible,...

ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY From his life, written by Eadmer his disciple, in two books, also the same author’s history of Novelties, in six books, from the year 1066 to 1122; and a poem on the miracles of St. Anselm, probably by the same writer, published by Martenne. Ampliss. Collectio, t. 6, p. 983, 987. The principal memorials relating to St. Anselm are collected in the Benedictin edition of his works; from which a short abstract is here given. See Gallia Christ. Nova. t.
Volume 2, Page 122